Sorry I haven't posted more but the last few weeks and months have not been without their challenges, I should have been posting more often but like allot of things, it has simply slipped my mind.
Anyways, here is an update on how things have gone.
I went back to the NueroModular Clinic in Regina in early August to have the implants brought to full power, or at least what would be full power for me for awhile and the visit bordered on a complete disaster. When the implants were powered up, I immediately noticed that I had allot of difficulty speaking and the power going to my right leg was causing it to twist and contort to almost unbearable levels. I went home that night really wondering how this was going to work out and if I could or wanted to live this way.
I went back the next day and had the power turned down on my left side which improved my voice somewhat. Resigning myself to the new reality that was my life..I left Regina. The biggest positive thing that came out of that visit the Doctor gave me the ability to adjust the power a little on both sides.
Since then, I have literally daily struggles with my speech and for someone who likes to talk, I think you can appreciate the frustration.
My sister Yvonne told me that with everything good there comes some challenges. Truer words have seldom been spoken.
I am back on hockey business this weekend as I go to Halifax for an Officiating meeting so we will see how things go. Stay tunes and I promise you I will talk to you all soon.