I have not been back to the clinic and things are getting progressively worse. My voice at times is totally indistinguishable and people are simply ignoring me whenever I try and say something, including my wife. I am getting very frustrated and am to the point that I am willing to turn them off and take what comes. It is suprising how alone you can feel in the world when no one can understand you and whats probably worse, no one cares. Sign language is definetely an option. I have been going to speech therapy but there is something decidedly wrong about learning to talk again when you are almost 50.
To say I am frustrated is an understatement. I didnt sign up for this and didnt know this would be a consequence. But it is and now I am stuck with it. It is easy to say "deal with it" and I probably should. Parkinson's has a way of screwing with your mind and these implants are turning out to be no different.
I guess my rant is finished. Talk to you all soon.