Back in August of last year, I applied for disability benefits under the Canada Pension Plan. I had told you in an earlier post why it was hard for me to go back to work after the surgery. So far I have dealt with five different companies when it comes to disability insurance and loan disability insurance. I have only been turned down by one and that was CPP.
They say on their website that every application is dealt with within 6 months. Well, after 7 months they told me I didn't qualify because I volunteer for Hockey Canada. They say they spent 7 months to decide because they needed to talk to doctors and neurologists to make sure what ever decision they made was fair. They did all that and I guess couldn't find a good reason not to honor my claim so they decided that because I volunteer 200 to 300 hours per year or 4 - 6 hours per week, I was capable of working. Forget the fact that there are few jobs in Herbert that are 5 hours per week. The good folks at Service Canada, now thats an ironic name, decided that I should be able to find such a job so my claim was turned down. Nothing like being punished for being a volunteer.
I have appealed the decision but that is not much more than a stalling tactic and a way for people to keep their hopes up. I am not very hopeful.